Wednesday, April 25, 2018

25 April 2018

I’m discovering that those who seem the strongest are likely the weakest.  You have to ask for help before you think you need it.  Looks like so many of us are completely unaware of all the little ways we are enslaved.  Some people have to play 2nd fiddle, some have to wear a prosthetic.  Some people always feel hunger, some people never feel love. Existence is slavery though.  You didn’t ask for servitude.  No one consulted you about where you’d like to be born. But, the existence part is hard work regardless of which of the panoply of masters you choose to serve. Yep, you get to choose. You can even switch masters from one minute to the next.  Right now, I’m hiding from a few of my masters to indulge myself in a little self righteous victory dance.  A blog post is self serving. 

All gas stations used to be full service from what I hear.  Now there’s not even a sign indicating that the gas is “self serve.”  It’s implied that all of the customers will automatically know how much they deserve.

Kinda like my farm.  The rain comes down in a perfectly even spread.  The ground that has raised itself up to meet the raindrops, that’s the ground that ends up staying dry.

There’s a low spot on this farm.  When it rains too much, all that extra water slides down to elevate that eternally depressed bar ditch.  If that bar ditch had a clay hard pan base, it would stay full all year.  But this is a river bottom flood plain, it’s still sandy and porous.

So, I gotta stay here on my farm and drain it in the spring.  We need each other.  But I gotta leave the low spots.  Without those ephemeral pools, there’d be no place for frogs to breed.

So, for the first time, I had a real job interview.  It’s at a methadone clinic.  Somehow, I think they get it.

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